About.NW Gun Safety was born out of a desire to help people enter the world of gun ownership in a safe and responsible way. From the person who is looking to purchase their first gun, to the spouse whose partner has guns in the home and they want to know more. Our approach to guns and gun safety is clear and concise, while being fun and engaging in a safe, non-judgmental environment. We want to help you build a solid foundation made up of proven shooting fundamentals.
The Upper Left Corner
NW Gun Safety is located in Blaine Washington in the upper left corner of any Washington State map. We're snuggled up against Canada, with British Columbia to the north, the Puget Sound to the west and the Cascade Mountains to the east. We are willing to travel and help anyone in Western Washington become an informed shooter.
Meet the Instructor
Jeff Wheeler - USCCA Certified Instructor
I have over 35 years of fire arms experience. I started shooting in my teens just like most kids. There was the "parent mandated" Hunter's Safety Course, My dad, brothers and uncles showing me how to do it right and of course, just shooting. I got my first semi-auto .22 at 14, first shotgun at 15 and my first handgun when I turned 21. Like most American boys, I was influenced by film and TV. As an adult, I purchased my first handgun, I was sorely under-trained for carrying a concealed weapon. I luckily found good mentors who taught me the legalities of concealed carry, proper weapons choices, holster choices and basically how to be a responsibly armed citizen. I eventually took some real classes, spent countless hours shooting, honing my skills and have always been willing to learn new things.
Now, I'm not a former Navy SEAL or Army Ranger. I have no law enforcement experience, but my intent is not to train you on how to be a "Tacti-Cool" Badass. I’ve been a gun owner and a concealed permit holder and a responsibly armed American for over 25 years. I want to help you build a foundation. I hope to teach you what it means to own guns for personal and home protection and most importantly, how to safely handle those guns and ensure your safety, as well as those around you and those in your home. I've been an emergency responder as a paid firefighter and EMT. I've received training in threat analysis, hard and soft target protection and basic civilian IED detection. I joined the Navy Reserve at 29 and became an Intelligence Specialist 2nd Class, where I received more weapons training. I attended the Washington State Firearms Training Academy back in the mid-90's and became an armed guard and operated as an armored car guard & driver. I continue to take various classes to expand my knowledge base to better serve others. I know how to train and educate adult learners in an open engaging environment... Basically I'm comfortable in front of a crowd and can get my point across in an entertaining way that isn't boring. |
Ethos 24/7
e·thos - noun
the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations. We strive to a higher calling. To reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously and expect God's greater reward. Owning guns bears with it a responsibility that begs us to understand the high stakes of violence and calls us to commit our minds, bodies and skill to the defense of ourselves and others. |